How long will it take my package to be processed and ship?
In-stock items are usually shipped within two business days of receipt of your order. We expedite shipment if you request an optional shipping service such as Priority Mail, Next Business Day or Two Business Days. Please make sure to select the shipping method best suited for your needs in the drop down menu. Expedited orders must be received before noon Pacific time to assure same day shipment. (Note: There are no shipment pickups on Saturday or Sunday. Orders placed after noon on Friday cannot be shipped before Monday.)
Transit time varies by shipping method and distance. Standard ground delivery from Los Angeles to the East Coast takes five to seven business days. Of course, shorter distances take less time. (We ship to Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico via USPS Priority Mail, which ordinarily takes 3-5 business days.)
If delivery of your order is time sensitive, please let us know when you place the order in the Order Notes section before placing your order. Please note that we are closed Sundays and most major holidays.
Why is Priority Mail required for Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and all offshore zip codes?
We have found Parcel Post to these locations to be slow and unreliable. Priority Mail service is much quicker and is worth the extra cost.
Do you accept international orders online?
While we are happy to process online orders for previous customers, we do not accept orders online from first-time buyers outside North America. If you live outside the U.S.A. or Canada and are not an established Hitchcock customer with a record of previous purchases, you must contact us prior to placing any order.